
Teaching Kids About Money: Tips and Resources

As parents, teaching our children about money and financial literacy from an early age is important. It can set them up for success in the future and prevent financial struggles. Here are the top 10 ways to teach your kids about money and make them financially literate at an early age. 

As parents, teaching our children about money and financial literacy from an early age is important. It can set them up for success in the future and prevent financial struggles. Here are the top 10 ways to teach your kids about money and make them financially literate at an early age.

Teaching Kids About Money: Tips and Resources

1. Start with the Basics

Explain to kids about the different types of money and how to count it. Giving them an allowance and showing them how to budget and save can also be helpful.

2. Needs vs. Wants

Help your kids understand the different types of expenses and determine whether they are necessary or something that can be saved for in the future.

3. Teach the Value of Money

Encourage children to work around the house or start a small business. You can also encourage them to begin with some of the easy side hustles. It can teach them about work ethic and financial responsibility.

4. Credit and Debt

Familiarize kids with credit scores and how to manage debt to prevent financial struggles down the road.

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5. Resources

Books, games, and online resources can all be great tools to make learning about money fun and engaging.

6. Model Good Financial Habits

Children are often more likely to follow our example than our words, so showing them responsible financial behavior is just as important as teaching them about it.

7. Set Financial Goals

Motivate your kid to set financial goals and work towards achieving them. It can help them develop a sense of purpose and motivation when it comes to managing their money.

8. Discuss Saving Strategies

Teach your children about different saving strategies, such as creating a savings account or investing in stocks, helping them understand the importance of saving for the future.

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9. Introduce the Concept of Tax

Explaining the concept of taxes to your children can help them understand how money is used to fund important public services such as schools and hospitals.

10. Teach the Importance of Giving

Encourage your children to donate a portion of their allowance or earnings to a charity or cause they care about. This strategy to teach kids about money can help them develop empathy and a sense of social responsibility.

11. Discuss Financial Consequences

Enable your kids to understand the consequences of financial decisions, such as overspending or taking on too much debt. This can help them make more informed choices in the future.


Teaching kids about money and financial literacy from an early age can have a significant impact on their financial future. By starting with the basics and gradually building on their knowledge, you can help set your kids up for success and a lifetime of financial security.

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