
Cj Affiliate Program Review 2024: Things You Must Know!

CJ or Commission Junction affiliate program is one of the popular affiliate programs available right now.

It is considered the most prominent affiliate marketplace globally, and there are thousands of listed products by the publishers. The affiliates can choose the publishers' ideal products and help them get a conversion on their products. 

Thousands of affiliates are working on this affiliate network to earn commissions on the sales they make. So, if you also want to earn money from Commission Junction or CJ Affiliate, you need this post.

Here I have covered all the essential aspects from the CJ affiliate commission rates to CJ affiliate sign up, payment methods of it, and much more. So, let's start our latest CJ affiliate review blog with comprehensive coverage.  

What Is a CJ Affiliate?


Earlier, CJ Affiliate used to be known as Commission Junctions, and it was established in 1998. Conversant runs CJ Affiliate with other top companies like Dotomi, ValueClickMedia, Mediaplex, and Greystrip. This affiliate network is famous because it has thousands of publishers.

Those who have uploaded their product listings to promote get more sales with the help of CJ affiliate marketers. Suppose you have some experience in affiliate marketing and you really believe you can make some profit from affiliate marketing. In that case, you can try this affiliate network for sure. 

The reason being this affiliate marketing platform looks for advanced and high-level merchants to advertise the listed products. 


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What's The CJ Affiliate Signup Process?


Step 1: So, now you would be willing to know how you can sign up for the CJ affiliate network. Here is some easy process you can perform to get signed up or CJ affiliate login successfully. 


Step 2: Go to Google or any preferred search engine of your choice.


Step 3: Now search for or CJ Affiliate Program, and click on the button where "sign up as the publisher" has been mentioned.


Step 4: Once clicked on this button, then sign up using your email id but choose your email wisely. 


Step 5: After getting signed up, you need to hit on "Create my CJ Publisher Account" to set up your publisher's account at CJ affiliate. 


Step 6: To confirm your details and submit it, click on agree-on terms and conditions as you may already be familiar with them. 

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Step 7: You are directly directed to "CJ Account Manager," which is your user dashboard, when this process is completed. And here, you will get notifications of sales, stats, and many more things. Now also click on the network profile to join CJ as one of its affiliates.


Step 8: To become its affiliates, you need to enter some basic details about your website to promote the affiliate products. Also, the methods, whether you use organic or paid marketing methods and some essential documents. 


Step 9: After this step, go to the administrative settings to fill in your CJ affiliate account's payment and tax information. 


Step 10: In payment settings, you need to choose how you will receive your earned money. It can be a direct deposit to your bank account, Payoneer, or by check. But do remember that CJ affiliates do not pay to its affiliates through Paypal. 


Step 11: For tax information, you need to fill the W-9 form if you are a resident of the US and W-8BEN if you are a non-US resident. 


When you complete this step, you can research the products you can offer to your ideal customers.  

CJ Affiliate Review: How Does CJ Affiliate Work? 

To start working on Commission Junction or CJ affiliate, you need to understand HTML. Using your basic HTML skills to insert the tracking code or affiliate links to your website. Suppose you are already an affiliate marketer and worked on some other sites, too. In that case, you will not feel any difficulty and complete the process smoothly. However, if you don't know, you can watch some Free YouTube videos on HTML or take any HTML foundation level course. 


Once you sign up and log in to CJ affiliate, you need to click on the Advertisers tab and go into the category section. But before you choose programs, you need to understand some basic foundations of them. 


First, you need to know the meaning of Network Earnings which shows how the affiliates perform on this affiliate network. 


The green line or bar shows that the advertisers are getting paid actively, which is good. 


As you have recently joined CJ affiliate, your account will be marked as New for three months. 


EPC or Earnings per click is also an important term with which you need to be familiar. It calculates the number of visitors that drive through the site and converts it to get sales. 

For the three months, it will show N/A if you have driven less than 1000 visitors, and for seven days will show N/A if the visitors are less than 100. Therefore CJ's affiliate marketing program is ideal for marketers who have experience in getting sales fast. 


The Join program is the third tab or the column, which is essential to know if you want to join any program. By clicking on this button, you need to accept the terms and conditions of the affiliate program you are willing to join. The affiliates use automatic and manual techniques to accept these terms and conditions.

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Once you are done with this step, then you need to wait for approval from the publisher. It can take up to 7 days or a week to get accepted for the ideal program of your choice. If you do not get accepted, do not get disappointed and try to join the other advertiser's program, ideal for your audience. 


When you get accepted, you need to get the code by clicking on the get code button. Here you get the option of HTML, Click URL, Image URL, and JavaScript; you can choose any of these. 


You also get the option to modify the affiliate link by editing the code but make sure to do it correctly. You won't get paid if you make a mistake modifying the code and get sales through the link. And the CJ affiliate will not be responsible for any payment issues due to mistakes made by an affiliate in their code. 


To get acceptance for your modified affiliate link to the dashboard, click on Mail, message, and compose to the ideal publisher or advertiser. 


When you get accepted for your customized links, you are done and can promote your link to get sales and commission. 


But do not sit once you join the program; keep watching the track of invalid codes. CJ affiliate informs you about the invalid links in the notification section, so do check that as well. 

What Is CJ Affiliate Pricing? 

Suppose you want to join CJ affiliate as an affiliate marketer. In that case, it is an entirely free affiliate network to join. However, if you plan to earn money with your high-quality product (ebook or course), you need to pay some money. 

This marketing network charges $3000 as a one-time fee and $3000 for a deposit. The advertisers also need to pay the renewal charges of $500 and 30% charge for every sale. 

Although, this is a clean and good affiliate network where the advertisers can have multiple times profit as there are so many prominent affiliate marketers promoting these products.  

What Does The CJ Affiliate Do To Make Money? 

The CJ affiliate earns a significant amount from every sale made with the help of its site. And it also charges various types of charges from the publishers or advertisers to increase its earning and keep the site clean.  

Is The CJ Affiliate The Best Affiliate Network? 

There are so many affiliate networks out there, and all of them have some cons and pros. The CJ Affiliate is one of the oldest and biggest affiliate marketing platforms. Here the affiliates have the flexibility to choose products of leading companies. 

However, they need to get approval first to start promoting. Hence if you are an experienced affiliate marketer, you can make a good profit in commission. But if you are just starting out then, you may suffer a lot as you need to have an established blog, a youtube channel, or another platform with a potential audience. 

Thus, CJ affiliate is a good platform and also offers reasonable commission rates. Therefore, we can consider it one of the best affiliate networks. Here, you have thousands of brilliant products to promote with reasonable commission rates.  

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How Much Can You Earn On The CJ Affiliate Program? 

Work on the CJ affiliate program and promote this product through blogging or YouTubing. You can easily earn $1000-$1100 per month. However, many marketers earn multiples of it as they have mastered promoting and generating quality leads.  

Is The CJ Affiliate Program Legit? 

CJ Affiliate is one of the popular affiliate sites among marketers and advertisers. There are thousands of affiliates and advertisers are working to earn money. Also, here you can find leading companies belonging to various categories. Therefore, there is no doubt that CJ affiliate is a legit affiliate marketing network.  

Pro Tips To Succeed At CJ Affiliate Program 

CJ Affiliate marketing program is not for every marketer. As they want a marketer who already has a good audience base and successfully earns through affiliate marketing. Here are some tips which can help you to get accepted in its various programs.


First, ready your blog website and YouTube channel and start sharing content over there by considering targeted customers. 


You need to upload 1-2 blogs and videos daily to get a good amount of content on your platform soon. Once you have a large set of content, you will see that visitors are coming and subscribing to your content. 


Your channel and blog will start getting traffic, and you will be able to suggest to your audience to get some of your advertised products. 


When you gain around 10K subscribers and your blog starts getting 5K-10K traffic. Then you can sign up to CJ Affiliate as a publisher and complete your profile as the affiliate, as we discussed above. 


When you have a good audience, you will feel easier to get approval for the targeted products. 


Once you get approval for the programs, you will be able to promote that product on your content. And your audience will love to buy those and use them to meet their goals.


So, the pro tip is you need to build a targeted audience on your blog and youtube channel and only then go to CJ or any other affiliate program.  


What Are The CJ Affiliate Commission Rates? 

You can find products that offer 5% to 30% at the CJ affiliate network and get sales. Therefore, you can earn a decent commission if the product's price is high. Also, there are many leading brands. And if you join their affiliate program, you can have good sales and a reasonable commission rate. 

How To Become CJ Affiliates? 

If you want to become a CJ affiliate, you need to sign up as the CJ affiliate. I have explained in the sections as mentioned above you can see that.  

How To Do CJ Affiliate Login? 

First of all, you need to sign up for the CJ Affiliate Program once you get signed up. Then you can log in to your affiliate account using your email and password. To know more, scroll above there; I have explained the complete process to sign up to CJ Affiliate.  


So, today we completed the CJ affiliate review, where we learned how to join the CJ affiliate marketing program. And what's the signup and login process along with commission rates.

Moreover, I also covered other essential topics to help you to become a successful CJ affiliate marketer. So, if you are excited and have some basic idea about affiliate marketing, you can surely try this affiliate program. 

As many affiliate marketers of CJ affiliate earn $1000-$1100 per month, some prominent marketers also earn $5000 monthly. 

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